Scale beyond founder-led sales

Transform your sales motion into a capital efficient growth engine.

Most founders fail at scaling beyond founder-led sales. They go through several quarters with the team, systems, and processes that aren't set up for success. We lay the foundation to help you scale in a capital efficient manner.

Sales Consulting Services

person holding light bulb

Go-To-Market Strategy

Refining your GTM motion and sales processes tailored to your product and buyers; designing the right team structure and interview process

sales technology

Revenue Operations

Leveraging the right technology into your processes, tracking KPIs, and automating workflows

black smartphone near person

Sales Coaching and Training

Bringing you and your team up to speed and game-planning specific deals

Meet Dan Oakes
Founder & CEO of Startup Sales Consulting

I launched Startup Sales Consulting to help founders and sales leaders scale beyond founder-led sales. I'm here to pass along what I've learned from being the first employee, founding account executive, and head of sales of venture backed startups to ensure your team has the right tactics and strategy to succeed.

One wrong strategic decision on your sales motion can set your team back an entire year. Let's chat if you'd like to de-risk your go-to-market motion and lay the foundation to scale profitably. 

Chat with Dan

How we work with teams

Engagements are unique to your needs. Most are either a one-time project with specific scope, a 5-10 hour/week ongoing partnership, or a higher touch fractional sales leadership arrangement for a defined length of time. 

How we've helped other clients
people sitting at the table

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The newsletter for startup sellers. A weekly curation of actionable insights, strategies, and tactics

Get in Touch

Reach out to us using the contact form if you'd like to connect. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your sales consulting needs.

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